Rw from SP Curve
Use ft and Deg F
Use m and Deg C
Depth =
Total depth =
Avg surface temp =
Bottomhole temp =
Mud resistivity, Rm =
Rm measuring temp =
SP shift from shale baseline
(+- millivolts) =
Bed thickness =
Shallow resistivity, Ri =
Estimate Rmf
Input Rmf
Resistivity of mud filtrate, Rmf =
Rmf measuring temperature =
Temperature gradient =
per 100 depth units
Formation temperature =
Corrected Rm =
Corrected Rmf =
Correction factor =
Static SP =
Rw equivalence =
Rw from SP =
Depth,Total Depth,Avg Surf Temp,Bottomhole Temp,Rm,Rm Temp,SP,BedThickness,Ri,Input an Rmf?,Input Rmf,Input Rmf Temp,Temp Gradient,Formation Temp,Rm corr,Rmf corr,Corr Factor,Static SP,Rw Equiv,Rw
When you finish your calculations,
select the recorded data, copy it,
and then paste it into a spreadsheet
as comma-delimited values to save it.